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Greek Weight Lifting Baseball Club Thessaloniki Heat
Denis' Sports and Fitness World Ell.E.D.A.
Athens Gliding Club Greek Fencing
Fitness Center Glyfada Golf Course
Golf in Greece Greek Chess On-Line
Aircraft Association Greek shooting page
Handball Hellenic Championship Hellenic bowling federation
WING CHUN KUNG-FU Hellenic Offshore Racing Club


Hellenic Badminton Federation The Greek Sailing National Authority
Handball.GR Greek Ministry of Sports
Hellenic Hockey Federation Horse Racing in Cyprus
Alexandros Wing Ice Hockey in Greece
Karate in Greece Paintball Emporium
Hellinikon Aeroclub Team Handball City
WABBA HellasGym
Evia Diving Clubnewicon1.gif (997 bytes) Paraglidingnewicon1.gif (997 bytes)
Stavros Karefyllakisnewicon1.gif (997 bytes)

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